Standing between the Atlantic Ocean and the Namib Desert is Swakopmund, the adrenaline destination of Namibia. With a range of adventures to suit everyone’s dreams, this old German town is the holiday mecca for travellers in Namibia.

Weather permitting, sky diving in Swakopmund happens daily year-round. Be collected by a courtesy vehicle at your accommodation head to the mind-blowingly beautiful the drop zone tucked between the dunes of the world’s oldest desert and the cold waters of the Atlantic ocean. The flight to the drop altitude is very scenic and, in anticipation of the tandem jump with a highly qualified and experienced instructor, gives ample time for adrenaline to build up in your system…..


 “If I could stand in an open airplane doorway two-and-a-half miles above the ground and will myself to step into empty space, then I could do anything.”
Dave Stein 

Tandem Skydive over the Oldest Desert in the world! Take a scenic flight up to altitude and see the unique Atlantic Ocean where it meets the Namib Desert Dunes. The aircraft door opens and you jump attached to a world-class qualified tandem instructor. You Free fall for 35 seconds and experience the feeling of human flight, your instructor then opens the parachute and you get to fly over the oldest Desert in the world suspended from your parachute for approximately 7 minutes and then finally the instructor lands you safely on Mother Earth.

What’s included:

  • Transfers (In Swakopmund only)
  • Tandem Skydive
  • Jumpsuit
  • Goggles
  • Harnass

Fitness – For safety reasons we have a weight limit of 100kg. We apologise for any disappointment this may cause, but again, your safety is important to us.

What to wear – Shorts or trousers and a T-shirt are fine, if you are planning on jumping during the afternoon bring a warm jacket with. You will not need this for the jump but it does get colder during the late afternoon. A pair of shoes that won’t fall off! So no flip flops but you may go barefoot.

Skills – There is no minimum or maximum age, however a child must be big enough to be strapped into the harness safely, and we must have written consent from parents for anyone under the age of 18 years

You can send your enquiry via the form below.